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BCD Women's Group

Democratic Women of Brunswick County (BCDW) is a caucus group of the Brunswick County Democratic Party. Meetings are on the third Thursday of each month (except for August), 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM at Headquarters (1420 Old Ocean Hwy. Bolivia, NC 28422). Contact us here for the latest meeting information.

Dues are $25 per year


We Support Hope Harbor Home

The Brunswick County Democratic Women have supported Hope Harbor Home for several years. It is the only domestic violence shelter for women in our county. Its many programs promote nonviolence in our communities, provide legal advocacy, and involve local social services for clients. The BCD Women conduct two fundraisers a year for Hope Harbor Home, one coinciding with Independence Day, the other, Thanksgiving. Any and all can oppose domestic violence by donating, volunteering, and/or shopping at one of their three thrift stores (in Bolivia, Leland, and Oak Island). Visit their website at Office: 910-754-5726. Crisis Line: 910-754-5856

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(Click graphic for list of supplies needed.)

Support NC Women Candidates 

by Purchasing Our Tote Bags

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The Brunswick County Democratic Women have an ongoing campaign to support NC women candidates. Proceeds from our tote bag sales in 2022 were donated to: Cheri Beasley for U.S. Senate, Lucy Inman for NC Supreme Court, Gale Adams and Carolyn Thompson for NC Court of Appeals.

Description: 20” x 15” x 5” sturdy cotton canvas, full zip top closure, interior zippered pocket, $20 each. To purchase, visit "Contact Us" here, check "Women's Group," message: "Clare Leary, tote bags."

Our Mission

  • To advance the interests of the Democratic Party in Brunswick County and to raise money for candidates that support issues that are critical to the well-being of Brunswick County women and their families. 


  • To keep women informed on local, state and national key issues so that women can fully participate in the political process.


  • To actively recruit, support, and elect qualified women candidates for the Democratic Party in local, state and national politics. 


  • To advocate with local, state and national public officials on behalf of women's issues. 


  • To ensure women's voices are heard in electoral politics in Brunswick County and to unite and encourage the participation of women in every level of the North Carolina Democratic Party. 

Our Leadership

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Eileen Marrone

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Clare Leary

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Corresponding Secretary

Jamie Stein-Muzio

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1st Vice Chair


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Assistant Treasurer

Lisa James

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Member at Large

Maria Surprise

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2nd Vice Chair

Kendy Taylor

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Recording Secretary

Linda Baker

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