Latest News and Videos
Republican attacks on personal freedoms, Brunswick Beacon
Letter to the editor: MAGA Republicans are taking your freedom, Brunswick Beacon
National Update: MAGA Republicans and their plot to cement minority rule
State Update: The disastrous MAGA Republican agenda
MAGA Republicans override Governor Cooper's veto of the SB 20 abortion ban
Slavery days, Brunswick Beacon
How many more? May 9th edition
Brunswick Co. Democrats join the Rally for Abortion Access in Wilmington on Sat., May 13
BCDP press release: SB20, a sneak attack on liberty
What's REALLY in Senate Bill 20, the NC MAGA-GOP abortion ban? Hint: It's worse than you thought.
Should more women die in childbirth? Brunswick Beacon
Suffer the children, Brunswick Beacon
How many more?
North Carolina's extreme abortion ban bill: White House statement
Media lying, kids dying, Brunswick Beacon
Stop making excuses, Brunswick Beacon
Glory to guns in the highest, Brunswick Beacon
How about a child's bill of rights? Brunswick Beacon
No veto support, Brunswick Beacon
Republicans cave, we save, Brunswick Beacon