Latest News and Videos
BCDP holds annual County Convention with officer elections
BCDP in the news! Democrats show up in force to support our Board of Elections director and staff
Trump's Pecker problem, Brunswick Beacon
Republican contenders help Putin, Brunswick Beacon
Vote for North Carolina today!!
Brunswick Democrats praise Board of Elections’ rejection of County Commissioners' bad advice
Is The Big Lie coming to Brunswick County?
County commissioners undermine election confidence, Brunswick Beacon
Pushing the lie, State Port Pilot
WECT interviews BCDP Chair Eric Terashima about Board of Elections issue
NCDP Congressional District 7 Press Release: Join our stand with the Tennessee Three!
BCDP Press Release: Reject the County Commission's Bad Advice
Brunswick Co. Democratic Party statement to the Board of Elections
Brunswick County's award-winning Board of Elections hosts election education series
Glory to guns in the highest, Brunswick Beacon
NC zoning bill, Brunswick Beacon
How about a child's bill of rights? Brunswick Beacon
Stand with us, State Port Pilot
No veto support, Brunswick Beacon
North Carolina Democratic representative Tricia Cotham switches parties in an act of betrayal