Latest News and Videos
Republicans cave, we save, Brunswick Beacon
Want to have a say in our local government? Apply for a Brunswick County board or committee
Sixth Annual BCDP Golf Tournament
Solemn contract, State Port Pilot
Not the news, but an incredible simulation, Brunswick Beacon
King of somewhere hot, Brunswick Beacon
Trump's reign of error, Brunswick Beacon
BCDP members attend first annual District 7 "Women's Her-Story Month" banquet
National Update: Keeping promises - what have Democrats done for us lately?
National update: Grumpy old men
State Update: Governor Cooper's State of the State address -- and response
Meet our friends at Carolina Forward
BCDP County Convention, Sat., April 15, 10 a.m.
Fox, MAGA-Republicans betray democracy, police, Brunswick Beacon
Republican assault on privacy, Brunswick Beacon
NC gun law, Brunswick Beacon
Brunswick County Democratic Women are accepting 2023 Education Grant applications
Yes, Virginia, Republicans want to track your period, Brunswick Beacon
Biden beats Big Pharma, Republicans, Brunswick Beacon
Trump returns to scene of crime, Brunswick Beacon