The Brunswick County Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that all of our citizens have access to basic health care, regardless of income or geographic location. Therefore, we:

Support the expansion of Medicaid in order to increase access to healthcare and improve health outcomes for struggling families and individuals.

Believe the Affordable Care Act should be built-upon by making premiums more affordable, lessening out-of-pocket expenses for consumers, and pursuing a public health insurance option.

Protect and advance reproductive health, rights, and justice. Every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights.

Advocate for proper funding of behavioral health needs that provide access to appropriate treatment for mental, behavioral, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse disorders.

Fight to toughen the restrictions on those prescribing and dispensing opioids, and support funding for treatment for those suffering from addiction.

Promote common-sense gun safety laws, while respecting the Constitution’s Second Amendment. We support strengthening background checks, closing loopholes like the gun show loophole, holding gun manufacturers accountable through repeal of their special immunity status, and keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals.