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Our Elected Officials

After the January 6th Insurrection, and with the ongoing threats to voting rights and to our democracy, Democrats are working with renewed determination at the grassroots level to fortify our democracy at the local, state, and federal levels. 


At the BCDP, we are working with Democratic hopefuls who are running to advance the Democratic policies and values of Brunswick County and North Carolina.


We’re proud of all of our Democratic elected officials who represent us, our families, and our communities every day. for website.jpg

Governor (2025) for website.png

Lieutenant Governor (2025) for website.jpg

Attorney General (2025) for website.png

Secretary of State (2025) for website.jpg

Superintendent of Public Instruction (2025)

For information about our Brunswick County Board of Commissioners, visit the Brunswick County Government website.

Ever thought about running for office? 

We need you! From county commissioner to Congress, we need democrats to serve in public office to help move our country forward and ensure that every person has a fair shot at the American dream.

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