State Port Pilot, 09.11.24
In response to Commissioner Sykes's letter “Be thankful” in the August 14 edition of The State Port Pilot, I can certainly agree if residents are satisfied with: clear cutting and loss of green spaces; overdevelopment including high density and cluster housing; lack of planning for emergency evacuations in high density development areas; increase in local taxes; ongoing chemical discharge into our drinking water; closed-door meetings between county commissioners and developers; taxpayer money being used for vouchers to fund religious (private) schools while our public schools in the northern part of the county are overcrowded and teachers underpaid; and the loss of local control over its EJT and allowing officials with real estate and/or development interests to decide how to destroy the natural areas.
I remind my neighbors that every member of the Brunswick County Board of Education, every Brunswick County commissioner, both representatives to the NC House ( district 17 & 19), the district 8 State Senator, the Congressional District 7 representative to the US House, both of North Carolina’s senators to the US senate are all members of the SAME political party and are solely responsible for the decisions which affect us as individuals and as a community.
So, if one is content and thankful, then by all means continue to keep returning the same individuals to their respective positions as has been done here for years and decades.
I am reminded of the old adage that to continue to do the same thing again and again and expect a different result is the definition of insanity.
Maria Riccobono