BCDP had an enthusiastic presence — 28 members — at the 7th Congressional District Convention in Robeson County on Saturday, May 20. Dr. Kimberly Hardy, NCDP 2nd Vice Chair, presided over the election of officers, and we are proud to say that our own Tom Simmons was elected Chair of District 7!
Thank you to outgoing Chair, Sonya Bennetone, and 2nd Vice Chair, Lori Stephens, for their dedicated service to the 7th District.
Congratulations to the new officers of Congressional District 7:
Tom Simmons (Brunswick Co.), Chair
Valencia Handy (Cumberland Co.), 1st Vice Chair
Nathaniel Jacobs (Robeson Co.), 2nd Vice Chair
Marlando Pridgen (Columbus Co.), 3rd Vice Chair
Martha Harris (Pender Co.), Secretary