Southport's Indivisible group hosted a March for Our Lives Rally in conjunction with the nationwide March for Our Lives event on Saturday, June 11.
"ENOUGH!" was the common refrain amongst the 200-300 people gathered to protest the lack of action on gun safety legislation, including over 25 Brunswick County Democratic Party members. Members of Wilmington's Moms Demand Action were also present.
Speakers from Indivisible read a far-too-long list of some of the most notable mass shootings our country has suffered. Amongst them: Columbine, Virginia Tech, Newtown/Sandy Hook Elementary School, Orlando Nightclub, Las Vegas, Parkland/Stoneman-Douglas High School, Pittsburgh Synagogue, El Paso/Walmart, Buffalo/Tops Market, and Uvalde/Robb Elementary School.
Attendees, including many educators, solemnly listened to a long-time teacher as she tearfully read the name of each victim in the Uvalde massacre.
Participants were urged to contact their elected officials to demand action.
All agreed on this key message:
We must VOTE this November -- for candidates committed to passing sensible gun safety legislation.