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BCDP members attend first annual District 7 "Women's Her-Story Month" banquet


Saturday, March 26

Democrats from Congressional District 7 (Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland (part), New Hanover, Pender, and Robeson counties) gathered in Wilmington for the first annual "Women's Her-Story Month" banquet. The theme was "Democratic women rising above the storm."

Elaine Marshall, North Carolina's Secretary of State (pictured, third from left), delivered the keynote address. Secretary Marshall spoke of her many professional experiences, standing on the shoulders of women who came before her, culminating in her becoming the first woman elected to statewide office in North Carolina.

Other attendees included Melvin Williams (pictured, seated), Secretary of the North Carolina Democratic Party; Charles Graham, former NC House Representative (not pictured); and Deb Butler, NC House Representative for New Hanover County (pictured, center).

Host and District 7 Chair, Sonya Bennetone-Patrick (pictured, fourth from left), recognized some of the democratic women in attendance who have made valuable contributions to their county, district, and/or state parties. Among the honorees were Janis Simmons, former BCDP Chair (pictured, far left), and Shelley Allen, current BCDP 1st Vice Chair (pictured, fifth from right). More photos from the event are on our BCDP Facebook page.


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