The kickoff for BCD Women's "Thanks-Giving" Fundraiser for Hope Harbor Home was October 18, but there is still time to donate!
We are accepting donations of cash ($50 or less) or checks (any amount) made out to "BCDW" for Hope Harbor at our November meeting at BCDP Headquarters (1420 Old Ocean Hwy, Bolivia). The meeting is Thursday, November 17th, from noon to 1:00. You may also contact Clare Leary to mail in your donation.
The Brunswick County Democratic Women have supported Hope Harbor Home for several years. It is the only domestic violence shelter for women in our county. Its many programs promote nonviolence in our communities, provide legal advocacy, and involve local social services for clients.
The BCD Women conduct two fundraisers a year for Hope Harbor Home, one coinciding with Independence Day, the other, Thanksgiving. Any and all can oppose domestic violence by donating, volunteering, and/or shopping at one of their three thrift stores (in Bolivia, Leland, and Oak Island). Visit their website at hopeharborhome.org. Office: 910-754-5726. Crisis Line: 910-754-5856