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Eric Terashima Interviewed by WWAY-TV

On the first anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection, BCDP Chair, Eric Terashima, was interviewed by WWAY-TV. The interview appeared on several of the WWAY news segments on the 6th. Watch here: WWAYTV3Interview.

1 Comment

Teddy Altreuter
Teddy Altreuter
Jan 10, 2022

Thank you so much for sending the clip from WWAY. Both of the people asked by the newswoman to comment were clear and articulate. I was very proud that our local Democratic Chair said the things that need to be said about that horrendous action at the US Capitol on January 6. The other person who spoke was equally honest and frank about how I think most Americans felt to see our fellow citizens behaving so irrationally because their candidate lost!

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