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"Had Enough?" rally press release, issued Monday, March 3



Contact: Lon Anderson

For Immediate Release  

March 3, 2025


The Brunswick County Democratic Party has scheduled a “Had Enough?” rally to kick off a major campaign protesting the Republican Party’s attempts to end democracy in the U.S. The BCDP rally will particularly focus on the Trump Administration’s policy to form alliances with authoritarian governments around the world — at the expense of democracies like Ukraine.

The rally will take place at noon, on Thursday, March 6, in front of the Brunswick County Courthouse in Bolivia. A field office for our U.S. Congressman David Rouzer is inside the building. The rally is the first round in the BCDP’s campaign, which includes multi-channel efforts to form an alliance of Brunswick County voters who oppose the anti-democratic measures of the Trump White House, the U.S. Congress, and the GOP majority in the North Carolina General Assembly.

“Make no mistake, today’s Republican leaders under Donald Trump are enemies of democracy,” said BCDP Chair Shelley Allen. “They have allowed their party to be taken over by oligarchs, grifters and corrupt politicians, whose only goal is to aggrandize power for the rich at the expense of us all. Our aim is to help prevent this naked and illegal power grab, beginning with this rally. We hope other local, state and national Democratic organizations do the same.”

BCDP has scheduled veterans to speak at the rally against Trump’s appeasement with Russia in its war against Ukraine, which threatens global peace and security. Speakers will also focus on issues closer to home, such as a movement in Congress — which our Rep. Rouzer supports — to slash appropriations to Medicaid and federal nutrition programs to fund a tax cut for the rich.

Current estimates are that budget cuts being made by Trump and passed by the House could cost North Carolina more than $11 billion, severely damaging healthcare, education, and veterans’ services, among other programs. 

Democrats will also oppose anti-democratic measures in in the state’s General Assembly designed to cripple voter turnout and strip powers of the state’s duly elected attorney general.

“And lest we forget, MAGA Republicans in our state are still working to support Jefferson Griffin’s illegitimate claims to a seat on the state Supreme Court by tossing out the votes of 67,000 North Carolinians,” Allen said. “At this point, it’s worth asking whether the Trump/Musk-led GOP has done anything Brunswick County residents support.” 

Allen is urging all local residents who have “Had Enough” of the Republican carnage to our democracy to join the protest to be held at noon in front of the county courthouse in Bolivia.



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