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How many more? Gun violence deaths in the United States in 2023 as of October 2nd


How many more? Gun violence deaths in the United States in 2023 as of October 2nd.

Our first video post documenting gun violence deaths in the United States in 2023 showed the number of deaths -- 13,607 -- and mass shootings -- 172 -- in this country as of April 27th. Statistics are from the national, nonprofit Gun Violence Archive.

Please take a moment to compare the April statistics to the incomprehensible numbers as of October 2, 2023 in the video above.

This is the America MAGA-Republicans have created and mercilessly perpetuate in service to the gun lobby and their twisted view of the Second Amendment.

We continue to ask, "How many more?"

VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS to pass meaningful, common-sense gun safety legislation and STOP the senseless carnage.


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