The 2023 Brunswick County municipal elections are over, and we’re pleased to report the majority of Democrats who were on the ballot in cities and towns across the county were successful.
On the first Tuesday in November, 20 Democrats ran in 42 municipal contests in Brunswick County. That means 48% of the contests included at least one Democrat. Of these, 10 ran unopposed. The remaining 10 ran in nine contested races.
Democrats won 13 of the 20 races. Thank you to every single Democrat who ran! Results of all the elections are available on the Board of Elections website.
The Brunswick County Democratic Party supported five quality candidates who engaged with us. Tracey Thomas and Maria Surprise (Holden Beach commissioner), Joanne Levitan (H2GO commissioner), Bonnie Bray (Southport alderman), and Niki Cutler (Oak Island Town Council).
Tracey Thomas won her race. Three of the others were highly competitive. Maria Surprise was only 17 votes short, and Joanne Levitan was only 46 votes short — proving once again that EVERY VOTE COUNTS!
We appreciate and congratulate all the Democrats in the 2023 contest for stepping up, putting themselves out there, and running admirable races of which we can all be proud.
We hope the contests they ran will inspire more Democrats to run for political office in 2024. The first step along the 2024 campaign trail is the candidate registration period, which begins at noon on December 4 and continues until noon, December 15. (The filing period for candidates running for the Brunswick Soil and Conservation District is June 10-July 15.)
This means the time to consider running for political office in Brunswick County is now. If you’ve ever thought about running for public office, take a look at the examples of those who stepped up this year and in past years. The 2024 election campaign is perhaps the most important in the history of North Carolina and our country. The more Democrats who appear on the ballot, the better the chances we can defeat MAGA Republicans at all levels on November 5.
BCDP has information this website you can use to help make your decision to run. Or, you can get in touch with us if you have questions about running or want some advice from a party official.
And thank you for considering service to your county, your state and your nation.