Is Anderson Clayton, the chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, just another professional politician? Or is she a 25-year-old firebrand destined to carry Democrats to power in North Carolina — and perhaps beyond — in 2024?
You’ll have an opportunity to see for yourself and in person when Anderson visits us next Tuesday, August 22, at Brunswick County Democratic Party headquarters, beginning at 5:30 p.m.
North Carolina is a pivotal state in the 2024 presidential campaign. National Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, are already planning to spend campaign time in our state. To help make them welcome and victorious, Anderson is at the forefront of efforts in our state to energize the electorate, appealing to young adults, people of color, rural residents and voters everywhere to go to the polls on or before Election Day and vote for Democracy.
But Anderson isn’t thinking just about the 2024 election. Her vision is longer term. She wants to build a coalition of interests in North Carolina that will elect Democrats to state leadership positions for years to come.
Anderson hasn’t wasted any time in carrying out her vision for the Tarheel State. Since she took over as chair of the NCDP last February, she has travelled more than 7,000 miles in her father’s red Ford pickup to meet with Democrats all over the state. The national media — intrigued by her youth, energy and enthusiasm — is following her across North Carolina, featuring her in The New York Times, Washington Post and appearances on CBS News and MSNBC.
But as dynamic and pro-active as she is, Anderson can’t energize the electorate by herself. She needs our support, and there’s no better way to prove we’re with her than by showing up to meet her and letting her know Brunswick County Democrats are with her next Tuesday evening.
Let’s give Anderson a rousing welcome during her visit here. Mark next Tuesday on your calendar. We hope to see you then.
Brunswick County set to welcome Anderson Clayton
Tuesday, August 22, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., 1420 Old Ocean Hwy, Bolivia