Brunswick Beacon, 06.22.23
On June 2, President Biden gave us 339,000 more reasons to say, “Thank God it’s Friday.” May’s jobs report “crushed expectations” with 149,000 more jobs than predicted. It was Biden’s 29th consecutive month of job growth in 29 months as president. Then, Biden announced the bipartisan agreement he reached with Republicans to avoid the first default on America’s debt. Biden’s job creation record has been historic, and will continue because of this deal.
Still, some folks won’t face facts. In his May 25 letter, John Hoyer falsely claims, “Biden has not created any new jobs.” Hoyer says people merely returned to work after COVID lockdowns ended. He wrongly assumes jobs automatically return after recessions. They don’t. It took six years to regain jobs lost after the 2008 Financial Crisis; ten years after the Great Depression. Biden’s recovery is the fastest in 40 years.
Even accepting Hoyer’s premise, he’s still wrong. Let’s ignore all 10.5 million jobs Biden added before July 2022, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics says we regained all jobs lost to Covid.
Since then, Biden has added 312,500 jobs/month, trouncing Trump’s average of 182,000 jobs/month before COVID. Biden’s total of 3,125,000 jobs during these last 10 months alone dwarfs the 264,000 (net) jobs created by the last three Republican presidents combined!
Americans elected Biden to get us back to work, and back to working together. He’s done both. This deal was his latest bipartisan accomplishment, including the historic Infrastructure Act, the CHIPS Act, the PACT Act expanding veterans’ benefits, the reauthorized Violence Against Women Act, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, and support for Ukraine. Biden has more bipartisan accomplishments than any president since Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s.
Biden’s critics underestimate his strengths: compassion, humility and experience. He cares about people, treats everyone with respect, and gets things done. That’s why he’s president and Trump is not. As Joe Friday might say, those are “just the facts.”
Laura McGann