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MAGA Republicans' treachery weakens America, Brunswick Beacon

After the unspeakable Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the world seeks stability and strength. Unfortunately, they may not find either in America, as MAGA Republican legislators continue their anti-American rampage.

Whatever our role – ally to Israel, peacemaker, beacon of hope for the world’s democracies – we will need the moral authority our MAGA Republican politicians are intent on squandering.

It’s reached the point where even ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has had enough of his party’s endless dysfunction, suggesting he might resign before the end of his term. Without a new speaker — the person next in the line of succession to the presidency after the vice president — the House cannot function.

This means that, with a November 17 government funding deadline looming, we could face a MAGA-led government shutdown, leaving millions of military and civilian government employees in limbo and endangering vital foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel.

Meanwhile, MAGA Senator Tommy Tuberville is warning that “picking sides” in the Middle East is “dangerous.” Equally disastrous, his one-man blockade of promotions across every branch of our armed forces continues, further reducing our military readiness around the world.

Tuberville isn’t the only MAGA Republican generating international bad will and instability. As Israeli blood flowed in the streets, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel called the Hamas-Israel war a “great opportunity” for Republicans to showcase their agenda. She blamed Biden’s weakness for the attack.

Fortunately, President Biden has confirmed that, “We stand with Israel.” He will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens and defend itself.

If you’re as disgusted with this never-ending MAGA treachery as I am, let’s work together to ban the GOP from governing. Next November, let’s vote for Democrats. They’ll keep our government funded, govern without drama, support our military and stand by our allies. They’ll pledge allegiance to America and its Constitution, not to our enemies.

Arthur Hill


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