We would like to introduce you to our friends at Carolina Forward, a non-profit policy organization advocating for pragmatic progress that benefits all North Carolinians. It is a rich source of information for those interested in NC politics and its impact on our lives.
The Carolina Forward team, particularly co-founder Blair Reeves, has been supportive of the work of the Brunswick County Democratic Party. The organization is sponsoring our annual BCDP Golf Tournament for the second year. In addition, we were pleased to receive a shout-out from them in the Daily Kos regarding our shedding light on voter intimidation tactics occurring in Brunswick County in 2022.
From the Carolina Forward website:
Carolina Forward believes in North Carolina’s future as a strong, diverse, multiracial democracy. We believe that attempts to curtail the people’s voice through gerrymandering, voter suppression and racial disenfranchisement are betrayals of American democracy.
We believe that first-class schools, affordable housing, universal healthcare, racial justice, environmental protection and a thriving economy are not tradeoffs. They are all mutually complementary and necessary for one another.
We believe that corporate money is unavoidably corrupting to the democratic process, and that it is too entrenched in North Carolina politics – in both parties.
We believe in reclaiming the language of morality in public policy. Expanding opportunity for all, investing in education, ensuring affordable access to essential healthcare and protecting our most vulnerable citizens are not just political imperatives. They are also moral ones.
Carolina Forward conducts quality, statewide opinion research polling on a variety of issues, including housing, healthcare, conservation, education, and voting. It provides instructive reports on such topics as hourly workers, fair and affordable housing, and reforms to strengthen our democracy. Their repertoire includes weekly blog posts, podcasts, and YouTube interviews with state leaders (like our new NC Democratic Party State Chair, Anderson Clayton). Their website also contains a thorough tutorial on the NC General Assembly. In addition, the organization has enlisted the help of a columnist who writes articles for them that are published in newspapers across the state.
Stay informed with all the latest from Carolina Forward by entering your email on their website.