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Taking the Temperature on Issues that Matter During the Primary

With the exception of a few days when the weather or wind was bad, 38 people from the Belville 1, Belville 2, and the Leland precincts volunteered their time and energy throughout the February Primary Early Voting period and on Super Tuesday to make sure the Brunswick County Democratic Party(BCDP) tent was staffed at the Leland Cultural Arts Center(LCAC).

As a result of their efforts in engaging the people who voted at the LCAC, approximately 390 people signed up to receive the BCDP Newsletter, and based upon their feedback we were able to determine that the following issues ranked high on their radar:

· Dump Trump etc. – 84

· Healthcare – 76

· Environment – 21

· Clean Water – 21

· Climate Change – 17

· Education – 17

· Economy – 13

· Social Security – 10

· Veterans/Military – 8

· Taxes – 7

· Gun Safety – 6

· The rest of the issues only registered 1 to 4 times

--Michael Rush

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