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Terashima's statement on running for NCDP Chair


North Carolina Democrats were optimistic about last year’s midterms. But we were disappointed. Today, our party is on a precipice, doomed to similar disappointing results that will erase the progress we have made to turn our state blue.

Many of us have concluded the state Democratic Party needs new leadership that can organize more quickly, recruit well-qualified legislative and municipal candidates that can win, and excite our base through reorganization — starting at the precinct level and working our way up.

I can provide that leadership, and that’s why I’m running to become your state chair.

During my 30-year Marine career, I developed a unique skill set — refining bureaucracies to make organizations efficient and effective. As a Colonel, I provided leadership during eight combat tours, working with folks from around the world to problem-solve while dealing with inherent cultural barriers. I led with honor, courage, and commitment to those under my command.

I served two years as Brunswick County Democratic Party Chair and was a candidate for the NC House. Under my leadership, my county and campaign outperformed statewide trends.

I have the experience to strengthen our organization in each of North Carolina's 100 counties. With your support, we can make a top-down, inefficient state party a bottom-up, focused winner, guided by the principles and convictions of Democrats statewide.

Visit TerashimaforNC for more information.


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