Americans continue to rally behind Ukraine as its war against Russian aggressors rages on. And yes, Russia, unprovoked, started the war by invading the sovereign country of Ukraine — despite what Putin supporters, including our traitorous president and vice president, are saying now.
As Democrats, we are appalled by the Trump administration’s appeasement of Putin, and its recent deplorable treatment of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The people of Ukraine continue to heroically stand in the breach for Democracy. You can help by contributing to the charity of your choice.
Most charities recommend cash contributions because, with airports closed and transportation systems under pressure, sending physical goods is likely to add more stress to the situation on the ground. Organizations helping Ukraine:
United24, founded by President Zelenskyy, is the official fundraising platform of Ukraine.
Global Giving is a nonprofit that supports other nonprofits by connecting them with donors and companies. It lists multiple organizations supporting Ukrainians.
Obama.org has leaders in Europe on the front lines of this war. It provides links to additional organizations helping the people of Ukraine.
Harvard University's Ukrainian Research Institute provides a comprehensive list of ways to help Ukraine, including places to donate.
Wck.org (World Central Kitchen) responds to natural disasters, man-made crises, and humanitarian emergencies around the world.
Unicefusa.org supports health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in Ukraine.
DoctorsWithoutBorders.org runs a range of activities in Ukraine working with local volunteers, organizations, health care professionals and authorities to help people travel to health care facilities and access prescribed medications.
SavetheChildren.org, based in London, helps to deliver lifesaving aid to vulnerable children in Ukraine and around the world.
Give.UNRefugees.org The international organization aims to provide emergency assistance to families in Ukraine — providing aid such as cash assistance and opportunities for resettlement in the U.S.
“People of conscience around the world need to loudly and clearly condemn Russia’s actions and offer support for the Ukrainian people.”
—Barack Obama