Voter Information
You must be registered in Brunswick County to vote here. To register, you must be:
A United States Citizen
18 years or older by the day of the General Election
A resident of your county for at least 30 days before the election you want to vote in
Not be registered nor will vote in any other county or state
You must not be serving a felony sentence — this includes probation or parole
Have had citizenship rights restored, if ever convicted of a felony
If you’re 17, you can register to vote if you’ll be 18 by the day of the General Election
Brunswick County Board of Elections
75 Stamp Act Dr. NE
Government Center Building H
Bolivia, NC, 28422
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Where can I register to vote?
If you are a new voter, you must fill out a voter registration form, sign it, and mail it or deliver it to your county board of elections. Voter registration applications are also available at:
Public libraries
Public high schools or college admissions offices.
If you have a valid NC driver's license, you can register to vote at your local DMV.
Am I already registered to vote?
If you are not sure whether or not you are already a registered voter in the state of North Carolina, you can check your registration status here.
How do I vote in Brunswick County?
Brunswick County voters can vote in person on election day or one-stop and early voting days, or absentee by mail.
What is the deadline to register to vote?
The deadline to register to vote in North Carolina is 25 days before the date of an election. The county board of elections must receive your voter registration application by this date.
If an application is received after the deadline, the application may still be timely if it was mailed and postmarked on or before that deadline; otherwise, the application will not be processed until after the election.
Persons who register at the NC DMV or another voter registration agency will be considered registered as of the date the agency receives the application. As long as this date is on or before the voter registration deadline, then the application will be deemed timely for an upcoming election.
Do I have to have ID to vote?
YES. Thanks to the new MAGA Republican-majority on the NC Supreme Court, which reversed the decision of the previous court, voter photo ID is required. The following documents are acceptable forms of identification as of May 2023:
Drivers license
Nonoperators ID card
U. S. passport
NC voter photo ID card
Student ID card issued by an eligible NC university or community college
Employee ID card issued by a state or local government entity (including schools)
U.S. military ID card
U.S. Veterans ID card issued
Tribal enrollment card issued by a state or federally recognized tribe
Public assistance ID card issued by a U.S. department, agency, or entity